Dance Disclaimer

Choreograph Your Path offers in-person events and online videos that include instructor-led dancing. Please carefully read and acknowledge the following disclaimer:

Assumption of Risk:

I understand and acknowledge that dancing involves physical activity and carries inherent risks. I voluntarily assume all risks associated with participation, including but not limited to sprains, strains, fractures, and any other injuries.

Health and Fitness:

I certify that I am physically fit and have no medical condition that would prevent my full participation in dancing. If I have any concerns about my health or physical condition, I agree to consult with a healthcare professional before participating.

Personal Responsibility:

I acknowledge that the instructor, Dr. Jayne Zobel, is not a medical professional, and any advice or guidance provided in the content is not a substitute for professional medical advice. I will listen to my body and make responsible decisions regarding my level of participation.

Informed Consent:

I understand the activities involved in dancing and consent to participate willingly. I acknowledge that I have been informed of the nature and purpose of the content, the types of exercises involved, and the potential risks.

Release of Liability:

I hereby release Choreograph Your Path, Dr. Jayne Zobel, staff, and affiliates from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or rights of action arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me during or after dancing.

Emergency Medical Treatment:

In the event of an emergency during in-person events, I authorize Choreograph Your Path and Dr. Jayne Zobel to seek medical treatment on my behalf and agree to be financially responsible for any costs associated with such treatment.

Photography and Videography:

I consent to the use of photographs and videos taken during in-person and online events for promotional and marketing purposes by Choreograph Your Path unless I specify otherwise in writing.

By dancing with Choreograph Your Path, I confirm that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this disclaimer. I acknowledge that I am dancing voluntarily and assume all associated risks.